Ontario Land Surveyors & Canada Lands Surveyors

Surveying Equipment & Payloader

Surveying Equipment & Payloader
Land Surveying in Orillia and Surrounding Areas
Dearden and Stanton Limited offers a variety of services in the fields of land surveying in Orillia and surrounding areas. We have been providing professional services since our incorporation in 1964. On this page, you’ll find descriptions and illustrations of some of our most commonly requested services to give you a better idea of what is offered by Dearden and Stanton Limited. We understand that each project is different and we will work with you to ensure that you receive the services that you require. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today .
Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR):
SRPR is an as-built survey of new and existing structures detailing the boundaries of the property and any rights of ways, encroachments or easements that may affect your property. Included with SRPR and a written report outlining any points of interest about your property. SRPR is most commonly when buying or selling a property.
Topographic Survey:
A Topographic Survey is a document prepared from field data that defines the horizontal and vertical position of the surface and obvious underground features in and around a subject property. The architect and/or engineer can use a topographic plan to complete lot grading, site servicing and/or stormwater management design for the property.

Topographic Drawing

Topographic Drawing
Click drawing to download in full resolution.
Lot Grading Plan in Orillia
A Lot Grading Plan is a pre-construction design document required before the issuance of a building permit that precisely defines the horizontal and vertical positioning of proposed structures and other improvements on a property. This allows the municipality to confirm the suitability of the proposed grading and drainage patterns after construction and provides a guideline document to verify the conformance of construction while in progress, and when completed.
Why Do You Need Lot Grading?
Lot Grading Plans help in specifying design elevations, surface gradients, lot types and drainage-related information. The purpose of a lot grading plan is to provide proper drainage away from buildings for the benefit of property owners.
Our team at Dearden and Stanton Limited is proud to offer professional lot grading plans for property owners in Orillia. Whether you are constructing a residential house or a commercial property, we provide accurate plans. We first conduct a physical examination of the place and then build the plan which can act as the outset of a project. Property owners can also use this plan for the approval process from local authorities.
What is a Lot Grading Plan?
A grading plan shows different physical components of the site in five-foot increments. It shows the slope of the site and gives an accurate overview of the site to the supervisor. With the help of a grading plan, the site supervisor can analyze the strength of the structure.
At Dearden and Stanton Limited, we have been providing grading plans for Orillia residents for several years. We have gained expertise and knowledge in providing precise results. Count on us for your project planning needs and build your dream property!
We have served many corporate and municipal clients including the Canadian National Railway Real Estate Department, Casino Rama, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and more.
Click drawing to download in full resolution.
Contact Us Today
If you need professional land grading services in Orillia, reach out to Dearden and Stanton Limited today! Request an estimate by filling a form or write to us at info@d-stanton.ca .
Reference Plan:
A Reference Plan (R-Plan) illustrates existing boundaries, location and other pertinent tilt-related information that can be used for subdividing land or can be used to make a material change to what is registered on the title for a property. They are like registered plans but do not extinguish and re-write the underlying land registry fabric onto which they are superimposed. They only reference the underlying registered plan, which anchors them geo-spatially to the underlying legal fabric. The final Plan of Survey defines the property’s legal limits and/or boundaries and is deposited in the local Land Registry Office.
Why Do You Need a Reference Plan?
A reference plan is necessary for severance. It includes the location of fences, hedges, retaining walls or overhead wires concerning the existing boundaries of a building or place and any easements or rights of way that are evident. Buildings and other improvements are generally not depicted
Situations requiring reference plans could include one neighbour selling a piece of his property to another or a farmer carving out building lots from a larger parcel. There are many considerations like cost, time registry requirement, government involvement and tolerance for red tape and more while deciding the subdivision of land using a reference plan. As it is a legal document that can be referred to in any situation that requires a legally binding and geographically quantifiable land asset in question, it must be deposited to the Land Registry Office, where it is assigned a unique identifier for convenient referencing.
How is the Reference Plan Prepared?
It begins with the creation of a draft reference plan depicting the proposed severance. Then the draft R-Plan is used in the application for consent which might be approved as is or with some revisions by the lawyers. Once the draft is approved, it is then submitted to the local Land Registry Office and assigned a unique identification number to make it part of the public record. After this, the lawyer must go through the process of changing the land description to assign appropriate parts on the r-plan to the appropriate parcels.
Boundary Survey:
A prerequisite for property ownership is to know where the limits lie. Whether it is private property, commercial space or land used for mining and drilling, arguments might arise without clear boundaries. Even if the boundary lines are contradictory; landowners may need to consider carrying out a boundary survey for a clearer picture. This could include projects like building a fence, a retaining wall, a deck or even a house. By making sure you are building on your property, and by respecting the setback requirements of your local municipality, you can properly protect your investment.
How To Define Boundaries?
People generally perform boundary surveys before they buy, split, improve or build on the land. The professionals will conduct a thorough survey of the boundaries measuring as accurately as possible and then a land surveyor will create a boundary draft. The drawings can include:
Lot Dimensions: Usually generated from the deed, subdivision plats and survey drawings.
Improvements : It includes changes on land made by previous owners including houses, sheds, garages, pools, and other permanent changes.
Fences: To determine the location of the property but cannot be considered as the outline of the property.
Easements: Only be included if the land surveyor has a copy of the title commitment.
Components of Boundary Survey
The necessary components of a boundary survey comprise of:
Extensive registry research about deeds: It includes public and private research that comes from various resources like municipal offices, other land surveyors, historical societies, state agencies, information from the owner of abutting land, and the county commissioner’s office.
Deed sketch: A worksheet will be created by the surveyor identifying record calls along each boundary line to show the intentions of the original grantor for the property.
Field reconnaissance: Surveyor will explore the property and mark the corners, gathering all the information required to complete the drawing.
Data entry and analysis: Data is entered and reviewed, validated, and the mathematical accuracy verified. The surveyor determines acreage, easements, encroachments, corner locations, rights of way, and various other aspects.
Preparing the final plan: It contains the results of all final findings and recommendations. The plan is now a legal document, insured and prepared in compliance with the requirements of the state Board of Licensure.
Visit the site: Surveyors will visit the site and mark all the boundaries as a sign to people that the land has been officially surveyed.
Boundary Survey Process
Defining boundaries is an important legal task for the division of property and land. The general steps that are carried out in the survey are the following:
Each corner of the property is verified and relocated, if not clear where the corner is.
Surveyor will mark each corner which generally consists of a two feet tall rebar or iron pipe for easy location.
After marking is done, the surveyor will spray pink paint to ensure the clear visibility of the corners.
Wooden stakes or flags can also be put near the corners with labels to locate property corners.
The person commissioning the survey can choose whether they want improvements to be shown on the boundary drawing. This could include things like homes, buildings, sheds, pools, fences, or other permanent structures.
The surveyor will finally take note of all potential encroachments.
Boundary Survey Cost
The cost for each project differs depending on the various property factors and how the company changes. Some of the common things that can influence the cost of a boundary survey include:
Accessibility and terrain of parcel land to be surveyed
Parcel size
Seasonal variations of the land
Shape and size of land parcel
Reason for a boundary survey
Come to Dearden and Stanton Limited for your boundary survey in Orillia. As your trusted commercial surveyor, we would like to survey your land.
Boundary Disputes
Mr. Stanton has prepared several reports and has appeared as an expert witness regarding Boundary and Title disputes. He is very familiar with the process of completing Reports and Plans for submission in a Boundaries Act. Mr. Stanton has been cited in the following Ontario Court decisions regarding boundary issues:
- Gall v. Rogers, 15 O.R., (3d) 250 [1993] O.J. No. 2285, Ontario Court, General Division
- Meaford v. Grist, 2011 ONSC 3055
- Tiny (Township) v. Battaglia, 2013 ONCA 274
- Ellard v. Township of Tiny, 2012 ONSC 280
- Bailey v. Barbour, 2013 ONSC 204
Additional Surveying Services
The following is a list of some of the Surveying Services offered by Dearden and Stanton Limited:
- Crown Land Surveys (Provincial and Federal)
- Conversion to Absolute Land Titles
- Integrated surveys
- Property Surveys
- Mortgage Surveys
- Condominium Plans
- Draft Plans of Condominium
- Legal Plans
- Canada Lands Surveys
- Indian Reserves
- Natural Resources Canada Federal Lands
- Construction Layout
Are You Thinking about Building a House?
When considering building a house and/or garage, or putting an addition on to an existing house, you will most likely require a building permit. The following are the steps we perform in order to help you to the building permit stage.
Permit Application Stage
- We prepare a base topographic plan.
- Based on our topographic plan, the client, architect or builder design a Site Plan.
- We prepare a grading plan using the building plans and the site plan that have been provided to us.
- The client, or their agent, applies for permits (the services we perform are only a small part of the application).
- Permits are issued, construction may begin.
Construction Layout Stage
We make all the necessary calculations in our office based on the final building plans that have been provided to us by our client and/or builder. Construction layout typically requires two or three field visits. Additional field visits might be necessary depending on the requirements, or complexity of the project.
- Stakeout for Excavation and Installation of Local Benchmark: This visit usually takes place before the excavation for the new building. It will determine where to dig and how deep. Marks are provided at major foundation corners of the proposed structure in order to show where the new structure is to be built. The depth of the excavation is guided by providing a cut stake referencing the underside of footing. A local benchmark is installed during the topographic survey process to be used throughout the construction. A benchmark is a point with a known elevation to which a builder can refer over the course of the project. It is often a nail in a permanent structure such as a fence or utility pole.
- Stakeout for Footings: Pins are placed at exterior wall corners to allow footings to be set in the proper location. The bottom of excavation elevation is recorded and reported to the municipality, if required.
- Layout for Foundation Walls Placement: Once the concrete is cast you may choose to have the house perimeter marked again on top of the footings. This will confirm that the foundation wall forms are set in the correct location. The markers that were used in-the-hole can be moved during the construction process. There is no guarantee the points remain in the original location as set by the survey crew. By staking the wall perimeter on top of footings you may avoid potential issues with setbacks to the property lines.
- Surveyor’s Real Property Report (As-Built Survey): A field crew measures the new house and reports any other changes that have occurred on the property. Based on their measurements and findings, a Surveyor’s Real Property Report of the concrete foundation(s) is drafted in our office. This survey will confirm that the new structure is at appropriate setbacks from property lines and that elevations are correct.
- Grading Certificate: Once the house has been built, and the landscaping complete, a lot grading inspection and certification will need to be completed in order to obtain a Grading Certificate from the Township. This certificate confirms that the grading has been completed in conformance with the Grading Plan that was submitted with the permit application. All of the landscaping must be completed before a certificate can be issued. Upon acceptance of our certification, the municipality will release lot grading deposits less than their processing fee.
Consulting Services
The following is a list of some of the Consulting Services offered by Dearden and Stanton Limited:
- Preliminary Design
- Detailed Design and Approvals
- Site Servicing
- Construction Cost Estimates
- Construction Layout and Supervision
- Certification
- Development Agreements
- Tender Process